Business Evolved™
About Us
Doing GOOD Business in Better Ways™
Shift/Co® is a business growth community created BY conscious entrepreneurs FOR conscious entrepreneurs.
Our goal is to elevate business success and make the world better.
We believe entrepreneurship can elevate the very nature of business and shift society through conscious business values.
Just like you, we’re in it for something bigger, and we understand that business is an instrument for meaningful change.
Our vision is to elevate business to shift humanity.

There are 3 things we seek to SHIFT…
Conscious business is different – we collaborate rather than compete. We collaborate with each other, and we collaborate with other organizations to advance the conscious Business landscape.
Collaboration is an art, and although it isn’t always easy…it’s always worth it.
We want to work with like-minded leaders who also want to make the world better, and a spirit of collaboration is how we roll.
You are building something that is more than a business to you.
Our connection point is that we’re ALL in it for something bigger: to make things better for others.
We understand that business is an instrument for meaningful change. We want our legacy to live beyond the walls of our business.
Conscious business success requires different skills and tools.
That’s why our business growth community brought together over 50 Master Teachers and dozens of Coaches and Mentors who have built a thriving conscious brand and want to show others how to do the same.

I love the tagline – elevate business to shift humanity. That’s what I want to do every day – and Shift/Co helps me do that. The community, conscious business growth platform, on-demand courses, one-on-one mentoring, focused coaching, as well as group forums have helped me better design how I serve my clients. My clients benefit in real ways – and that has led to significant financial growth for my business.
Elizabeth Eiss, ResultsResourcing, Inc.
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